check out a Direct Heated Triode preamplifier transformer coupled and fully regulated . Using a quality pair of 45 tubes, and 6ax4 rectifier tubes
Lundahl transformer based withseperate power supply . Every bit as good
if not better to the Battery-capacitor Rosse Lio,which is almost $9500 now ? which BTW can be ordered use several different tube types
but the 45 is known for its depth and realism ,and noise floor well below
1%. In the $6k range This will compete without question the best of them.
This is what a single ended preamp is all about .it will pick up detail like no other
i am working on having another one built which can be built for $2k less in one chassis ,and still unbeatable in its price class . Look up Radu Tarta .he has been working with DHT ,and tube amps for close to 40 years. Best of luck.