Need New Speaker Cables to Replace my Nordost SPM's

Any thoughts on Cables.  I currently have Nordost SPM's That I purchased new years ago.  Using B&W N802 speakers.  So I need Bi-Wired.

Budget is 3K Used.

"Gauge is important when choosing cables."

It is, but unless you have a very low budget or DIY, it's really a non issue.

Synergistic Signature 10

Purist Aqueous Aureus

Kimber 3033

Furutech Reference III Biwire 


Did you like the Nordost sonic signature? What qualities or characteristics are you looking for; neutral, lively, or laid-back, or warm? Cables do sound different.

Good list by mgreen, but it covers a wide range...Purist is laid-back, deep imaging, and perfect for bright speakers. MIT is neutral, very dynamic, and true reproduction of recordings.