Actually "bufus", his dimmensions are not so bad at first look. If the difference between 15' and 16' are around 6%-8% difference, that's more ideal actually. If they were closer than 5% and 15'x15', he'd have a real problem to adress, yes!
Actually, Russ Herschellman promotes the 6%-8% differnce in room dimmension ratio's. I concur.
As for your gear, I like your choices well enough for your room potentially, for a "passive system", yes. The hitch is that you have good acoutical treatement considerations in place OR, AT LEAST, you sit closer to your speakers(Proximaly), vs. hearing more room reflections mixed with the original sound propegation from your speakers. This will greatly enhance imaging, dynamics, clarity, and soundstage!...most don't know this. Then, their setup busts all chance for good sound.
Remember, control those "first reflection points" with A PROPER blend of diffusion/absorption, or at least sit closer "in time" to your speakers than the first reflecions proximaly.
Nice gear...