"Finally (and separately) and with all due respect, as to the suggestion above from a member that you should drop the sub because your "SFs completely out class it;" well, that is complete nonsense. I’m not comparing SF with JLA in saying this, what I’m saying is that having a great sub (which you have) well integrated into your system will, in fact, enhance the overall performance and experience. Your SFs are very nice to be sure, but they will be even nicer with the sub, assuming it is properly worked into the mix. "
You can call it nonsense but the reality is there’s no reason
to expect the sub to integrate well. You're taking a 14k speaker that is made by a company that believes in giving they're products a "house sound", and matching it with a budget HT sub. And lets not forget the amp. Is the amp in the sub going to match the speed, definition and power of what the OP is using on the SF's? Taking both the differences in the amps and speakers overall quality and performance into consideration, please explain to me why you would expect a seamless crossover and equal sound quality from both units?
Yes, the OP already has the sub, so try it. But the odds are, the match will most likely end up sounding like a car stereo, and not a high end system. Common sense, at least to me, would be to match the speakers with a sub of similar quality.