autospec - Sorry, but if you did some of the basic things one
normally does to get support these days, you would have been able to get
your pulley.
If you simply sent an email to the support email address they probably would have helped you find one.
Marc from VPI reached out to you directly and you basically
blew him off.
I get it - you do not like the current VPI support model. But that does not mean you cannot get a part if you try. You did not want to try. That was your choice.
I also wonder why you needed the pulley. Did your break one? Or buy a motor second hand and not get the pulley? Or did you figure out who makes the motor (not hard to do) and buy it from someone other than VPI?
Sorry, but the negativity is tiring.
I also wonder why you needed the pulley. Did your break one? Or buy a motor second hand and not get the pulley? Or did you figure out who makes the motor (not hard to do) and buy it from someone other than VPI?
Sorry, but the negativity is tiring.