High End Amp Price Collapse musings

If Class D amplification becomes accepted by audiophiles there should be a glut of high end amps (Krell, Levinson, Pass etc) becoming available on the used market at prices a fraction of what they are now.

Think CRT TV when the flat panels began emerging.I think Ill hold off on a new/used amp purchase for a little while. Maybe I will bet a Boulder.

Has any one else considered this?

There are some great turbocharged four-cylinder engines, but they haven’t replaced V-8s or even V-12s. "There no replacement for displacement" is the adage in the auto industry. Perhaps the same is true with hi-fi.
I haven't heard any class D amps that can surpass the sound quality of a good class A amp yet...."

+1...  I would also add in the inclusion of top Class A-B or Class B amps.

to the OP ----- not gonna happen anytime in the forseeable future ....
kalali: "Seriously? How many people outside of (some of) the folks who post here do you think are spinning a turntable? Look around and see how the next generation of young folks are consuming their music."


With all these great new solid state amplifiers, those old crusty tube amps should be going for a dime a dozen any day now....
The only price collapse I've seen is the Levinson 53 in the used market. Switched output stage technology has long way to go.