Upgrade from DV 17D3, looking for recommendations!

I recently purchased a VPI classic and moved my 17d3 onto it. Pushing through a Luxman SUT, Fosgate Signature Phono, and 12w Luxman SQ-N10 wi DH Labs Air Matrix and Revelation ICs gives me an almost ideal sound. I get immense detail without being bright or fatiguing. The mids are as real as can be, and I don’t get the midbass scoop that many systems hit. I just want a little more on the bottom end. It's not that it's not there... The bass is super tight, and it's pleasant to make out the qualities in it. I just want more presence from it. Maybe I might be pushing too low an output through a high efficiency system?

People in other threads have mentioned the XX-2, the Delos, and some options from Benz. Is the XX-2 really colder than the 17d3? Is the Delos bright as well?

Not limiting to the cartridges listed, what would get me closest to what I am looking for?

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Dear @thiefoflight: I think that you don't need to change ( this time. ) your cartridge. My advise is to integrate a pair of active/self powered subwoofers to your Tekton speakers. This move will transform your system and MUSIC for the better for ever.

Please take the time to read this:


Regards and enjoy the music,
I had the Delos for a lot of years and while it is a great cartridge it has a bit of a mid bass bump that constantly annoyed me.  On a lean sounding system it may be a good thing though. It comes down to system synergy.   I preferred my helicon to the Delos as it is more accurate.  I don't like any of the benz's that I have heard as I found they all have a bit of that mellow warm sound with fatter bass. I love my Vandenhul colibri  but it needs a very low effective mass arm and takes a long time to break in. 
 One that I want to try is the audio Teknika ART9

I use an Audio Technica ART 9 on my VPI Classic. It's plugged into a Foz v2.

Check out the thread on the ART 9. A 17D3 owner mentions his preference of the ART 9.

I almost purchased a Lyra Delos before reading the thread. Users of many $1K++ 
carts declaring the ART 9 a contender among 3K+ super carts.

Since you already have an SUT, the ART 7(lower output)may be an even nicer AND cheaper option. Only available overseas(Ebay)