Upgrade from DV 17D3, looking for recommendations!

I recently purchased a VPI classic and moved my 17d3 onto it. Pushing through a Luxman SUT, Fosgate Signature Phono, and 12w Luxman SQ-N10 wi DH Labs Air Matrix and Revelation ICs gives me an almost ideal sound. I get immense detail without being bright or fatiguing. The mids are as real as can be, and I don’t get the midbass scoop that many systems hit. I just want a little more on the bottom end. It's not that it's not there... The bass is super tight, and it's pleasant to make out the qualities in it. I just want more presence from it. Maybe I might be pushing too low an output through a high efficiency system?

People in other threads have mentioned the XX-2, the Delos, and some options from Benz. Is the XX-2 really colder than the 17d3? Is the Delos bright as well?

Not limiting to the cartridges listed, what would get me closest to what I am looking for?

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Dear @thiefoflight: I think that you don't need to change ( this time. ) your cartridge. My advise is to integrate a pair of active/self powered subwoofers to your Tekton speakers. This move will transform your system and MUSIC for the better for ever.

Please take the time to read this:


Regards and enjoy the music,
I had the Delos for a lot of years and while it is a great cartridge it has a bit of a mid bass bump that constantly annoyed me.  On a lean sounding system it may be a good thing though. It comes down to system synergy.   I preferred my helicon to the Delos as it is more accurate.  I don't like any of the benz's that I have heard as I found they all have a bit of that mellow warm sound with fatter bass. I love my Vandenhul colibri  but it needs a very low effective mass arm and takes a long time to break in. 
 One that I want to try is the audio Teknika ART9

I use an Audio Technica ART 9 on my VPI Classic. It's plugged into a Foz v2.

Check out the thread on the ART 9. A 17D3 owner mentions his preference of the ART 9.

I almost purchased a Lyra Delos before reading the thread. Users of many $1K++ 
carts declaring the ART 9 a contender among 3K+ super carts.

Since you already have an SUT, the ART 7(lower output)may be an even nicer AND cheaper option. Only available overseas(Ebay)


Hi Raul, thank you for the suggestion on the subs, but I'm really not a fan of them. I used to have them in the past quite a bit, but honestly I've never liked the crossover between those and any towers I've ever owned them with. I am not a bass-heavy enthusiast and do believe I can get the sound I want without a sub. With the configuration I have, I know I am running a little on the bright side, and a few modifications will get it to where I want it to be.
analogluvr & tablejockey, thanks to you both for the suggestions! I'll definitely look into the ART 9 and ART 7. I haven't heard about those, and given the specs of the 9, it looks like it'll fit really nicely with the VPI and gain that I have with the SUT and foz stage. The ART 7 looks like it might be too low of an output (.12mV) as my SUT only gets me to 61dB of gain.

tablejockey - is this the thread you were referring to?
