High End Amp Price Collapse musings

If Class D amplification becomes accepted by audiophiles there should be a glut of high end amps (Krell, Levinson, Pass etc) becoming available on the used market at prices a fraction of what they are now.

Think CRT TV when the flat panels began emerging.I think Ill hold off on a new/used amp purchase for a little while. Maybe I will bet a Boulder.

Has any one else considered this?


The amp you are referring to has digital input but Class D is not 'digital'. I didn't read too much about the company but I assume that means that the amp has a DAC.  At some point before your speakers there has to be a conversion to analogue.  Somebody correct me if I am wrong.  
Came across the most amazing power cord I've ever experienced and I paid nothing for it!  Beat my $4k plus cords I have on hand....anyone wanna know what it is?

Much has been said about Class D sound quality vs. other amps that I cannot add to that discussion.

However, I want to point out that even if Class D amps were proven best of the amps, this has nothing to do with pricing.

Capitalism 101: Price on value, not parts. Separate the price and cost as much as you can.

So assuming I made the worlds best amps, and they were class D I'd still sell them for $120k each monoblock. :)

Maybe I'd make them out of milled platinum ingots for "minimum resonance" or something.

The rise, or fall of any particular technology is not going to depress the high end pricing at all.



Sure thing Dave_B, would love to know what excellent cable you discovered... What it bests, and how.

Saluti, G.


And yet another thread about how Class D will never sound as good as Class A/AB amps, with a few people who’ve gone out on a limb and tried Class D with great success representing the lunatic minority (I happen to be among the lunatic minority, with my Class D powered on as I type this and my Audio Research tube amp collecting dust)...

I’m surprised you guys haven’t tired of this subject yet - the threads are all alike, they never progress, they never advance. Maybe it’s time for a thread about how there’s no point in trying any new restaurants, because nothing will ever create as much emotion and connection as a trip to the Golden Corral buffet?