The new will replace the old over time, as it always has.
Yes, we are all going to die, we get it.
Technological "advances" are nothing new with Class D amps.
I'm in my mid 50's, with children in their mid 20's to early 30's.
Despite all of the new ways to communicate that weren't around when I was their age, internet , smart phones, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., etc., they still struggle to communicate on a human level. They seem to lack negotiating, haggling, bartering, and just general bull-sh!tting skills.
Yet they are not inferior to my generation, nor better.
I would not say that my children's lives are any better than mine, just as my life is no better than my children's, my father or grandfathers.
Newer is not better or worse, only different.
If you enjoy Class D amps, that's terrific!
If you enjoy SET amps, that's super!
If you enjoy Class A, A/B, G, H, etc., that's awesome!
If you enjoy vinyl, digital, computer, that's fabulous!
The main goal in this hobby is that you are enjoying music.
Whatever "tool" helps you to enjoy the music more is a good thing, no?