Splicing on a HT to 2channel system, best approach

On 8/18/05 I started a thread asking which center channel speaker should I use between my Vienna Acoustics Mahler speakers to begin putting together a 5.1 home theater system.

This is my current 2 channel system:

System components:
CD Player, Meridian 588
Preamp, Jeff Rowland synergy 2i
Poweramp, Classe CAM 350 monoblocks
Speakers, VA Mahlers
DVD Player, Sony DSP9000ES
Piano DLP Projector
Daylite 7' front screen

I am now asking a broader question and seek guidance as to what approach I should take in systematically "splicing on" the rest of the 5.1 HT equipment. I cannot afford to purchase everything at the same time. My 2 channel system will stay pure and not go through the processor.

Question: In what order should I buy the necessay equipment to get the best impact in the movie experience for the dollars spent?

For example I could buy a processor, then subwoofer, then center channel speaker, then L/R rear speakers.

Or I could...........any help would be most welcome.

My opinion: pre-pro > center speaker and amp > subwoofer > rear speakers and amps. For the best bang for the buck I recommend Outlaw pre-pro and amps. There are better ones out there, but not for the money. Or you could go with used equipment and save alot of money. Do the VA Mahlers have a matching center channel? If not, it will be a challenge to match the sound of the center to the mains. Good Luck!
I'll second Mattkimb96's response. It depends on your music/HT listening is split and your bank account. I lean much more to music than HT, say a 90/10 split. I own Vienna Acoustics Strauss speakers with Haydn rears. I'm currently running with a phantom center, and prefer that to when I owned a VA Maestro center channel. I think the Strauss image so well that the center channel was unnecessary in my case. I've downgraded through the pre/pro's over the years, choosing to invest more $$$ into stereo, and less into HT. So I'm currently using a Denon receiver for my HT needs, with a Mirage BPS-400 subwoofer. The Denon receiver only provides the power to the rear speakers. I use the FR & FL preamp outputs from the Denon into an input on my BAT VK-51SE preamp, thus using my BAT VK-600SE to power the Strauss speakers as my FR & FL. Set the Denon receiver for 'no center' and the center info is passed through the FR & FL.

This does HT plenty well for me, and I don't miss all the fancy pre/pro's and multi-channel amps. Music however sounds MUCH better. That being said, if HT means more to you than to me, say more like a 50/50 split, you may want to spend more on the HT end.

My recommendation in order of importance, pre/pro and amp or reciever first, subwoofer second, rear speakers third, and center channel last.

As for matching center, I would go with at least a Maestro, should you decide you 'need' one, and if you're feeling extra wealthy, spring for the Oratorio.

Good luck, and have fun.

Hank, that order you you mentioned is how I would do it. Processor (need an outboard processor for DD/DTS, NOT decoding from the DVD player, etc!!!...I'd suggest inexpensive Acurus Act 3 used)). Then a subwoofer. (2 channels plus sub this way is very good still!), then maybe a center if you wish, then the rears, yes.
Good luck
Thank you all for the excellent input. I especially appreciate the Vienna Acoustics spin some of you included. This really helps me think through the upcoming purchases.