Old Amp vs. New Amp

Hi All!

I'm in search of a new amplifier and I am looking at new amps as well as older used amps.  There is some really great older gear out there for very reasonable prices, and of course the new stuff is considerably more expensive.

Is newer stuff really any better than some of the great older gear from the 90's and early 00's?

the nad M22 is Class D and seems quite ready for prime time

there are newer designs such as Class G etc. - one should investigate and use listening tests even if ignorant of advances in electronics in the last decade or two

I do find it useful to buy things used and a few years after the fad crowd has moved on to newer stuff...
I own a Lafayette tube amp form way back when.  I have not found anything really out there that can compete with this beast.  Probably because of the transformers used back in the day.  I have heard very nice hybrid class D amps that sound pretty good also.  It all depends on the old amp and the new amp.  I would like to have my Krell 50 amp back also.  Hearing differences also to me depends on the source.  I personally would rather upgrade my source then my amp.  To me that brings a higher reward in sonic improvement.

Happy Listening.

Even 4 year old amps have often become very much a good value - why go back 20 years? And Class D's such as Nuprime are ready for prime time
jond - Yes, I am interested in tube amps, but for some reason (not really sure why) I tend to lean towards Solid State.  I would certainly like to try tubes at some time.  I own a few guitar amps, and I wouldn't even consider a solid state guitar amp.

There are SOOOOO many amps out there, it's really difficult to decide which one is best.  I guess I just gotta take the plunge and hope for the best.

So... I did just that.  I just purchased a Mark Levinson No 333.  I sure hope it turns out to be all that I hope it is.  I guess I'll see.

Thanks for the great discussion!
Hello petrela
The Mark Levinson 3 series are great amps for the money now. I have owned several and still use one today. Just plan to make sure its been full re capped  with in 2-3 years from the time you purchase it. Or plan on getting it done your self at a certified Mark Levension repair shop. Well worth the money after its done.   The sound will not let you down.
Enjoy Pete