Guys last saturday i was luckuy enough to attend a CH Precision demo at the only dealer's there is in France.
I was surprises that only 3 people showed up for the demo including me.
It was a full CH system driving a pair of Wilson Sabrinas.
I can tell you guys in over 22 years in the hobby i have never audition to such outstanding solid state gear and i'm not even sure the best tubes out there can surpass that.
Unheard dynamic top to bottom, lightning speed, very high definition without any harshness, smoothness and liquidity.
The bass is absolutely phenomenal, crisp and clean.
The synergy of a full CH system is unmatched at any price.
The system consisted of C1+X1+L1+X1+oneM1.
C1 was had the streaming board.
Total price of this system without speakers and cables around €132K.
This brand is in a completely other league than the gear i have mentioned in this thread.
If you have never heard a full CH system i would recomment that you do even if you will never afford to purchase such gear.
CH is totally upgradable for future technologies.
You will never face obsolescence with CH Precision.
Now all i have to do is find a way to rob a bank lol.