PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

This is why High End audio is such a personal undertaking. It’s near impossible to account for all the different preferences people have and the many variables that play a role. I’ve heard a suite of CH Precision electronics at the CES a few years ago. In my opinion Ypsilon is better sounding between these brands. Of course my opinion is no more or less credible than yours, simply a reflection of different taste.CH Precision reminds me to some degree of Solution. For some listeners they represent sonic nirvana. I recognize that type of sound doesn’t impress me nearly as much. High End audio offers the beauty of many choices.
Hey Charles what have you been up to lately ?
Well i would have to try CH gear with my Thiels and see how that goes.
Will there be a sonic match ? it's difficult to say.
Meanwhile i will try Ypsilon on my speakers in 10 days.
For all I know the CH Precision "could" be a better match with your Thiels than the Ypsilon.  My comments were based on hearing these two brands 3 or 4 times at shows in of course separate rooms rather than direct comparison in the same system.  Overall impression is that the Ypsilon consistently struck me as the more natural sounding.  In your system this may or may not be the case. I'm looking forward to your audition comments. 
Do you think Ypsilon might be too transparent for the already very transparent CS 3.7s ?
No, I don’t accept the premise that you can have too much "true" transparency. I do believe that you can have too much brightness and tilted up high frequency region emphasis  that some may interpret as transparency.