Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?

I own the MKl version of the Crescendo and see the crossover uses all Acoustic Zen branded capacitors. Most are blue in color with the smallest values bring black. Does anyone know what company makes these for AZ? I did email the builder, but no answer. Love any information the community may have on this topic. 

Enjoying  my music again tonight. Cassandra Wilson night. So wonderfully beautiful as she is in the room with me. 
Tonight we have an additional 70 or so hours of burn in. The sound has changed a bit. Even more relaxed, in a good way, and even more natural sounding. The sound has opened up a tad and is just wonderful. I find myself listening to recordings that in the past sounded marginal at best. I find I can now enjoy these less than ideal recordings like never before. 

What I love most is how real my music sounds. Real and engaging in a special way. Instruments and voices do not sound recorded, but real in my space. 
When terms such as "ralaxed",  "natural", "real " and "engaging" are used to describe what you hear, you're on the right path . The truly excellent audio products always seem to improve in this direction. 
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