I took the plunge - PS Audio Stellar DAC and S300

I should get them tomorrow as beta test units.  Current speakers are first gen. Klipsch Reference RF-3s from high school. I will be referencing the units through a Grace 905 monitor controller. I know the speakers are the weak link but I've had them for almost 20 years and I know them well and have gone through 4 amp/preamp setups. Excited to see what I notice!    
I keep enjoying these units more and more. they keep getting smoother, especially around the 1k region and up in maybe 10k. The low level detail is very very good for their price point. The sound is very open, very clean with big power reserves from the amp. Again very good dampening.

The DAC is pretty cool: I've started to jump into the menu a bit to name my inputs and set the theater bypass up. To me, pre amps/controllers should be as much about convenience as it is sound and the Stellar DAC is a simple, straight forward, control center. The DAC in the unit sounds quite good compared to other pieces of equipment I've got around the house. Impressed so far. 
Thankyoi for the feedback. Do you think I should get the stereo amp at 140w or should I wait for the monos? 

My speakers don't need a lot of power. I believe they are 92db efficient. 

I am running emotiva xpa5 Gen 2 for surrounds and centre and they are 200w per channel so will I lose anything with only 140w?
Any other feedback from the other users as well? How is it going is it getting even better now after break in? 

i thought i would add my 2 cts worth...recently picked up a S300 to replace a $4500 North American made SS amp - i was honestly skeptical if this unit would be able to satisfy.   granted the other amp had a bit more low end power and drive, and a tad cleaner midrange but just a tad..the highs were slightly smoother but again ever so slightly...at the end of the day the S300 proved to be a great bargan and i never missed the other unit..keep in mind there is a break in-- right out of the box it was a bit on the brittle side..a week in the sound smoothed itself out a great deal....i havent heard all amps in the price range of the S300; but i would be surpised if there is a better all around performer at or near its price..as a footnote dealing with PS Audio was a pure pleasure...top rate company and customer service...i would give one a go if you are intrested in a solid 2 channel amp...