Packing up my CDP...bittersweet

Today I received my new DAC and will be packing up my Luxman D-06 cdp. This will be the first time in over 25 years that I have not had some sort of cdp in my system. But I am now 100% digital music. Even though I still buy lots of CDs regularly I use my PC to rip them into my library before listening. I've been using my current cdp as a DAC for the past few years mainly for sentimental reasons even though it was lacking in the features required for digital playback (no usb/AES/I2s input, limited to 176 sample rate, no DSD, etc). With a heavy heart I finally made the switch to using a DAC only device in my system.

Over the years I've had the pleasure of owning some very cool cdp. Here is a list of some memorable ones:

Magnavox D8880 boombox (1988) - my very first cdp I got for Xmas. I remember going out that day and buying two cds...Sting "Nothing Like the Sun" and The Primitives "Lovely".$_58.JPG

Sony Discman D-25 Portable cdp (1989) - what??? A portable cdp??? Who cares if it skipped when you looked at it the wrong way? This was portable!$/Sony-Discman-D-25-D-250-portable-C...

Sony MHC-RX90 (1996) - the first stereo I bought with my own money after getting a real job after college. This system had a carousel cd changer!!!

Cary 303/300 tube hybrid (2005) - my first audiophile cdp after feeling like I made it in my career. This was the beginning of a long slippery slope of spending ridiculous amounts of money into this hobby.

Esoteric P3/D3 transport and dac (2007) - from a technical point of view my favorite cdp. The Esoteric VRDS transport was/is a marvel of engineering. The sound was the best I have ever heard up to that point.

Why don't you use the Luxman as a transporter for your DAC? Are you storing the ripped files on a
mahler123135 posts02-21-2017 3:53am
CDs are 'digital music '
Sorry for not being more clear.  I meant I dont spin discs anymore.  I rip all my music to FLAC.