Just Ordered New Speakers

I just put the order in for a pair of Golden Ear Triton Reference Speakers. I was able to get the first production run which should be shipping sometime in May. They will replace my Triton 1 speakers which will be moved upstairs to my secondary system. Presently I have Triton 2 in my secondary system, so those will go on the market once my new speakers come in. I bought these without hearing them, but since I already own both the 1 and 2, I am positive I will love them. They all have the GE house sound which I like very much.

Now the long wait and anticipation begins

Hit the button to fast....  Congrats on your upgrade and hope you hear beyond your expectations.
I always considered the GE speakers as large toys and personally I wouldn’t buy any of them but I must admit that the Reference speakers looks like a game changer at GE evolution, A serious step up forward. Please keep up update how they sound.
I always considered the GE speakers as large toys and personally I wouldn’t buy any of them but I must admit that the Reference speakers looks like a game changer at GE evolution, A serious step up forward. Please keep up update how they sound.

@itzhak1969, I owned (past tense) Golden Ear Triton One speakers for over a year. Just sold them and - like (OP) stereo5 - ordered the Reference. I can assure you, they are no "toy" in the context that you describe. And yes, you will be kept apprised of how they sound. 
@mechans there are scores of professional reviews and hundreds of customer testimonials all of which trumpet the extremely high sound quality. Add to that the relatively low cost, and this is why Golden Ear has been and continues to be very successful. Their speakers are easily comparable to those costing many (5-10) times their MSRP.