Looking for speaker base suggestions

I have a pair of black ATC SCM19A speakers, 68 lbs, which sit on a moderately deep shag living room carpet. The speakers came with long spikes but they sink into the carpet, such that the bottom doesn't clear all the way around. I'm looking for not so expensive, but reasonable looking ideas for a couple of bases for better isolation that raise the speakers, with or without the spikes, no more than 1"-2" and are roughly 14" square. Wood blocks that I could paint black are one idea. Isoacoustic stands, which I use under my desktop speakers, are neither very attractive nor low enough. Other ideas? A photo of the speakers is at  (http://atcloudspeakers.co.uk/hi-fi/loudspeakers/entry-series/scm19a/). Thanks,

Unless the spikes are not doing their job by fully supporting the speakers its not an issue if the speaker bottoms touch the carpet as long as the weight is carried by the spikes. If not then a cheaper option would be to get longer spikes any machine shop can turn some to your size requirement and they will not be expensive as the metal stock requirement is low and the machining is minimal. just bring them one of the originals and they can duplicate but adding length as needed, probably a 1/2 or so more is all you’ll need and they will look factory original.

if your looking for isolation there is a lot of choices from inexpensive to outrageous a quick google search under speaker isolation will bring up many. I just did a bunch of looking for a turntable project I just completed. couple that come to mind are:

IsoAcoustics, can do custom heights

Townshend audio, great stuff

there is a couple to get you going but there is literally 100’s of different types out there.

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Spikes in carpet are a pita to deal with. Isoacoustics has new products, including screw-in GAIA speaker isolation cones, but they are relatively expensive.
Sound Anchor cradle bases offer three-point spikes (adjustable), heavy, solid metal contructiuon, and they are made to order.  Mine cost about $350 for the pair about 7 years ago.
IsoAcoustics destroy anything else on the market.  Compared them all.  Try them out, best "tweak" in audio history.