How many CaryAudio techs does it take to replace a lightbulb in a CAD-211FE?

I called tech support to ask about a replacement light bulb for my 211FE. Initially they told me I could get a replacement at Radio Shack. This morning, they suggested that I ship the amp back to them. 

Steve Witek 
5:05 AM (2 hours ago)
to me

Hi James,

If you need to have the bulbs replaced we certain can provide the service. 

If you would like is to perform the work please visit our website and request an RMA #.

Here is a quick instruction set on how to obtain an RMA# using our website. 

Please print the instructions and then go to our website to complete the process.


I had a Cary 306 SACD that from day one the CD drawer stuck. I sent it back several times while in warranty and they said they greased the sled.

Once out of warranty, they said I needed a whole new circuit board to fix the problem at a cost of $900!

NO MORE Cary for me!

The amps do sound really good, especially after improving the tubes. I replaced the smaller tubes with old school Amprex and Sylvania and it really opened up.
I'm driving Sonus Faber speakers and it seems to be a good match. The larger tubes have been failing and thats a concern. I lost an 845 and then one of the 300Bs. Mt last amp was the Marantz 8b. I had it for 12 years and never lost a tube. It's just a little under-powered.
I figured the amps were shipped with low-end basic tubes. I just ordered the 845-z Treasures, and I'm looking for some Takatsuki 300s. I'm hoping the hight end tubes will sound better and last longer.
I had a Cary CDP player, similar story, in that the quote to do the work was not worth it for me relative to the overall value of the player. I've seen people figure out replacement parts that work, but otherwise stuck with Cary doing the work with a high labor cost and markup on replacement drive.

I like the Cary sound, but short warranty on certain digital equipment combined with a proprietary replacement parts limits a consumer's choice.

Therefore I'm turned off to Cary.