Charger, thanks for sharing and having my back on power conditioners. I know so many of you use them. Heck, I have the SR Powercell 10 mk2 Tesla cable, but I use it for the digital only right now as well as the TV, Apple TV and cable box. Jim is correct and I've spoken to engineers at Ayre, D'agastino, Vandersteen, Krell and others about conditioners and to a person they poo poo it.
I just reached out to Richard to ask about dedicated lines. I remember someone told me that you want all your components on the same circuit for ground look reasons. I'm looking into doing dedicated lines if I keep the system on the same wall it's on. If I move it to the original wall, I have a six pack dedicated circuit I was using and loved it.
I think it was on this thread somewhere that someone spoke about hearing quality differences due to power during the day and night. Everyone assumes that it's cleaner power during the night when there is less usage etc.., but the kind of variation during the day and
night he is talking about may be more about how quite it is
in his sound room (or not). An extra 10 db of quiet (easy to
do) can expose the magic the Sevens (as well as his other speakers) are capable of doing, because the magic is not masked by as much noise in the room. This is a big deal and very few know about it, because they attribute it to the power being better at night
or weekends. This may be a small contributing factor, but
mostly it is pure old fashioned signal to noise magic. The
time and phase pistonic ability of the Seven especially the
Mk II version revel this, where most other high-end speakers
don't have the goods so it won't matter.