A speaker that looks like a driver or a driver that looks like a speaker?

I want to present to you judgement NoLimits speakers. Waiting for your comments.

OP said he was "presenting" to us NoLimits speakers, followed by the link to his website. That’s advertising. He doesn’t need our opinion to modify anything since it is final product. If he cannot see how improper it is, then perhaps administrator can do something about it.
What is the point of the design acoustically? Or is it just to look different? 
I have read, but don’t remember why, that circular baffles are among the worst types of designs.

However, having a very wide baffle is often a very good and under-appreciated thing. With a good crossover and high quality components this could sound very good indeed, with especially good imaging and ability to transmit the recording venue’s acoustic signature to the listener.

Focal, and Sonus Faber are among brands which take advantage of the wide baffle idea. The former in the Utopia lines and the latter in the Stradivari.  The Arni Nudell designed speakers such as the IRS also use this wide-baffle idea to very good effect.


Hi Erik,
    You are right on with the wide baffles and circle baffles... In this case, the front baffle is sooo wide, I don't think that it would matter, but it would effect baffle step compensation in the crossover. BSC can be touchy and can transform a speaker when done properly or a speaker can be terrible and this simple fix would take care of it.