Thoughts on Plasma, LCD, DLP and which way to go

I am looking to purchase a Flat screen tv and wanted to get some thoughts on whcih way to go? I have looked at all 3 types. I would like to find out people's experience's with the different technologies?
Fujitsu plasmas are more expensive than other brands, but I personally like the picture of their premium models. I think their processors do a very good job of avoiding motion artifacts, minimizing mosquito noise, and minimizing other picture anomalies. They are also right near the top when it comes to black level/shadow detail. Color accuracy is not bad (I prefer the Panasonic), when using just the basic controls, and becomes very good when professionally adjusted.

To me, they are worth the premium over other brands, but others might not think the difference is worth the price.
I visited the B&O store in Portland, OR - that has to be the best plasma I've seen in terms of both hi-def and DVD. I think it was $20K for 55" and $10K for 42". The HT and music system was pretty mediocre for $20K.
It really depends on screen size: 40 inc or larger still Plasma better than LCD. Below 40 inch, LCD better.
Anyone have any thoughts on the Sony 60 inch 1080p SRXD tv. It sure looked nice from every angle.
I have the Pioneer Elite Pro-1130HD, and have had it for about 4 years. I never watch tv. Rarely watch movies. Have shown a slideshow from my computer three times, which lasted no longer than 30 minutes each time.
As of a month ago, I have 2 stripes of DEAD PIXELS, each about 3" wide, and starting in the middle going down to the end of the screen, with the other about 6" to the right of it.

I have two other plasmas, both Pioneer, both about 4 years old as well, and one of them is starting to show a white cloud like area at the top center. The other is still fine... *knock on wood*