Why are the Infinity IRS, Reference 1b, Beta ect speakers passive on the mids and highs?

I would like to know why all of the classic Infinity's and most other brands use passive crossovers for the mid to high transition? I don't think it was for cost and that level. Is passive better? Has anyone compared both to know which is better?
Hi Timlub
I too am in the car audio business 36 years now. I have a 100 amp Audio Authority power supply. Lots of fun listening to a lot of car audio amps through the different speakers I have. There is quite a bit of difference among brands and models.
Oh Marc,  I haven't had a stereo store in 30 years.... even though I had a good run in 12v.  My roots have always been in the Audiophile world.
"Hi Russ69
Just curious. What did you move on to?"

Triangle Celius, Martin Logan, Magnepan, B&W. 
I am not familiar with the Triangle Celius, but the rest are awesome speakers. I also like the Magnepans alot. I am not sure which I would pick if I had to make a choice.