dienggo, are we on the same page? i was talking about 2-channel DACs like what you find in a Bel Canto or in a dedicated CD player. My understanding is that the DACs in the Arcam receiver, although can be used for 2 channel music, were meant for home theater and surround sound applications. I once owned an Arcam AVR100 was also curious about whether it had a dedicated 2 channel DAC but if you read the reviews about the Arcam AVR300, 250, 200, 100 you get no information about it. When listening to 2 channel audio, the reviewers bypass the Arcam reciever's DACs nad used the DIRECT option and listen to it using the DACS of the CD Player they're using. As for the wolfson DAC, the current Arcam CD players use the wolfson chipset but I wouldn't know if the chipset inside your Arcam AVR300 is the same or is used in the same design in Arcam's CD Players.