Best budget integrated choices

I had a Sugden A21 some years ago but it died an unfortunate death.

I am looking for a budget (defined as as cheap as possible) integrated to power my LS3/5a V2 (a little easier to drive than the original) to not loud levels.

I worked myself into a tizzy of joy reading reviews of the Onkyo A-9010 Integrated Stereo Amplifier to only find out that the UK version is the one voiced (if I can say that) with a nice warm presentation.  I am a tube guy at heart but appreciate a warm SS amp.

What else should I be looking at.  I am a but apprehensive on used SS after mine died.

Depending on budget, I had both Creek 4330SE and Creek 5350SE and liked both. I'm using an Exposure 2010S2D now and I love it
I'm very happy with my Job Integrated, made by Goldmund in Switzerland.  125WPC, clean, articulate, great sound.  Includes a very good DAC, but analog input converted to digital, so there's that.  About $1700 and it took six weeks to get mine, but worth the wait.
Rogue Sphinx is a great option.  A used v1 should set you back $750 or thereabouts and worth every dollar. the phone pre isn't great but is sufficient . Buy  the new v2 and the phono is better.  If you need a good clean low cost Arcam I have an AVR250 available for $275. Clean amp with plenty of power and will get you though.
Just saw a NAD 320 bee come up for sale today for $250. That would be a great choice.