Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?

Is anyone else out there enjoying a high-end home theater without the contributions of a subwoofer, e.g. 7.0?

I always planned on getting one (partly because folks selling speakers say I need one), but enjoy what I've got enough to question spending another $2-$5K on a sub(s) for the deep bass extension.

(As a reference, I have Aerial 8b's, 2 pair of SR-3's, CC3b, Meridian 568v1 processor, and Theta Dreadnaught amp.)
I ran a pair of Infinity Kappa 9 speakers in a home theater setup. The room was 22 ft by 70 ft. No sub was needed. The Kappas have two 12" woofers per tower. A subwoofer would have been overkill.
No way the Meridian will do 118 db at 18Hz. I could do that with my old system but it had 32 12" woofers. I ran that for quite some time and still miss my old speakers (Infinity IRS V mains, IRS Betas for surrounds and IRS Gamma for a center channel) but it is a rare system that doesn't need a sub.

Certainly there are more people who think they don't need a sub than ones who actually don't need a sub.
I don't suppose adding a sub in my small room would even generate clean signals that low beecause the room is too small for those frequencies to form correctly, am I right? That is why in my room; 5 full range 5200's sounds better then when I had only 3 full range (8000's and 5500hc) up front. If I have crunching bass now, I worry that a sub will just muddle things up.
If your system main speakers are measurably flat to 20hz, then what is the point of the sub?