Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?

Is anyone else out there enjoying a high-end home theater without the contributions of a subwoofer, e.g. 7.0?

I always planned on getting one (partly because folks selling speakers say I need one), but enjoy what I've got enough to question spending another $2-$5K on a sub(s) for the deep bass extension.

(As a reference, I have Aerial 8b's, 2 pair of SR-3's, CC3b, Meridian 568v1 processor, and Theta Dreadnaught amp.)

Chill out, dude! I wasn't trying to discredit you. I was simply trying to point out that the original post asked if ANYONE was enjoying HIGH-END home theater without a SEPERATE sub.

Though an active, separate subwoofer are the most common and most efficient means of accomplishing the task, they are not the only way. So the answer to his question is still "yes".
Exert-who? Fluffer? No, I've never done gay-porn, nor do I care to, thank you.
Without a doubt, you can have a high-end home theater without a sub. The point of home theater (for me) is to enjoy the MUSIC in movies. I used to have a pair of bottlehead straight-8s hooked up to 5WPC SETs and watched many movies with friends on this setup. Movie soundtracks were OUTSTANDING and "high-end" in every way. Like any other system, there are trade-offs and comprimises that you will have to choose. An HT system without subs certainly can still be high-end. Too much bass is way more annoying than bass that's not quite as dynamic as it could be with active subs.
Flrnlamb -
No, not talking about gay porn here, please don't take offense at my question. Just wondering because there were a couple of very lively and informative threads on the 'Gon several months ago regarding proper bass management for home theater and "Exertfluffer" had lots to say on the subject.

The info/opinions and style of the writing by that author is very similar to your posts here. For example, check out a thread started on 12/31/04 titled "Too many speakers for theater?". The response from Exertfluffer on 1/02/05 sounds almost exactly like your posts above. Just wondering if you had changed your Audiogon handle.. no big deal.. and if that wasn't you, the coincidence is very interesting. JZ