The "most foolish" loudspeaker tweak/upgrade ... is

I suggest Von Schweikert Audio's "ULTRA Internal Wire Upgrade" at a 'mere' $39,700..

Seriously, this is a joke, isn't it?? No bits of wire cost this much, even if they were intended for use in a spacecraft or a synchrotron. And then, you let guys modify your speakers, which contain very, very ordinary crossover components (cheaper L and C than in my DIY units, I can see) and they can't even SOLDER worth a damn! Look at the mess in their website photos, terrible amateur crossover with appalling soldering, decorated with $30k worth of super duper wire.... wow, that's going to make it SO much better isn't it? my nine year old can solder, but these fools clearly cannot. What foolishness. A new level of pointlessness in consumerism!

Barnum never said it. He was a showman not a ripoff. Don't you like the circus?

@russmaleartist your logic, rational, and fact-based reasoning will get you no where. You were completely dismissed...with you lack of subjectively anti-objective subjectiveness...not because you're objective but you only have 12 posts...which lacked subjectivity.
I'm beginning to like this place again. I might have to stick around...until I get bored with the rhetoric...then I'll leave again.