The "most foolish" loudspeaker tweak/upgrade ... is

I suggest Von Schweikert Audio's "ULTRA Internal Wire Upgrade" at a 'mere' $39,700..

The real problem with the whole thing is that High Technology especially when linked to NASA or DoD or DARPA is that high technology is as high technology does when it comes to sound quality. Audiophiles are the final arbiters of what actually works, not some secrecy shrouded burocracy. The marketing ploy of Space Age Technology or some sort of trickle down ultra technology is as old as the hills. Now if Schweikert had said anything about 7 nines copper, cryogenics or directionality of wire or even high Frequency high permeability alloys then I would put a little more credibility in his speaker wire mod. If memory serves Schweikert used to use Analysis Plus wiring in his speakers which actually seems like good move. 

The only foolish speaker upgrade is buying speakers that cant interact with yr listening room.
Seriously, this is a joke, isn't it?? No bits of wire cost this much, even if they were intended for use in a spacecraft or a synchrotron. And then, you let guys modify your speakers, which contain very, very ordinary crossover components (cheaper L and C than in my DIY units, I can see) and they can't even SOLDER worth a damn! Look at the mess in their website photos, terrible amateur crossover with appalling soldering, decorated with $30k worth of super duper wire.... wow, that's going to make it SO much better isn't it? my nine year old can solder, but these fools clearly cannot. What foolishness. A new level of pointlessness in consumerism!

Barnum never said it. He was a showman not a ripoff. Don't you like the circus?