To my brother from another mother, Mykeryte (Mike)
In the spirit of discussion about were the DI would fit into the overall perspective of reference level speakers, regardless of price, we have a honest but passionate disagreement between to listeners, professional reviewers, and friends regarding what you hear and my experience of the DI compared to your series-1 Wilson Sashas speakers. One big difference between me, you, and Allan is both of you love to hear music at much/much higher volume levels then I do. This does not imply that the DI will not effortlessly play over 100dB with ease, however in my opinion, regardless of the room/system the individual players will start to sound "larger then life" which is not a natural presentation to me. So, next time you come over I'll let you pick the volume level that sounds right for your ears.
I totally respect your love of your Sashas speakers, but historically I always felt they were one of the most over rated speakers I had listened to in many systems. The series-1 had the Focal inverted dome tweeter which after a short while of listening to the speaker I always found it quite annoying and very unpleasant to the point of not wanting to stick around. Finally, when Wilson could not score Focal's tweeter anymore they finally went to a silk dome tweeter and I found the series-2 Sashas a much better sounding speaker. Even with this improvement I have always found Wilson speakers to sound like good speakers that measure great/do everything right/,except make music. When I was at your house and heard the Lawrence Audio Double Bass speakers which you reviewed I liked them a lot more then your Wilson speakers.
I had as my reference transducers in my big rig the Lawrence Audio Cello speakers for over five years and enjoyed them, and still do in my smaller system, which retail for $18,000.00 and they were out performed by the DI!
The DI is not just great for the money, it's a reference level speaker, regardless of the cost and I believe, stated with respect, if you had them in your house you might discover they out perform your Wilson's just like they outperformed my Lawrence speakers.