Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.

I have considered trying a tube integrated amp. The Prima Luna Prologue Premium has received numerous positive testimonials regarding its sound quality and is considered a bargain at $2399.  Ayon’s new "Scorpian" tube integrated  is more expensive at $4200,  supposedly offers excellent sound quality, but has not gathered many press reviews. .

 Is  anyone familiar with these products??  Are they  reliable over the long haul?? and if so, can either amp  effectively drive any speaker load, including Golden Ear Technology model 7 or the larger model 5.  Or have any problems driving Magneplanar .7 speaker, or any of the Martin Logan speakers.  Thank you  

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This is why I don't like this seller (See below).  The beauty of an amp that will take various power tubes is an asset because you can tailor the sound as you want.  If the amp IS designed around a particular tube then possibly it will sound best with that power tube however, given that some PrimaLuna owners like KT series tubes over EL34's then they can use those particular tubes. This is why I don't like USA Audio bashing other companies.  

Copied from Mingda ad:

Any tube amp that can run any every tube available on the marketplace, as some competitors claim, is an inferior design - for example, an amp will either be a EL-34, KT-88, a KT-120 or KT-150 amplifier. Do not buy in into the myth that all tubes are created equal and any one amplifier can run them all.

If that were the case, we would not have a myriad  of different tubes for many different applications and performance.

An amplifier that can run any tube is an inferior design. It would be great to be able to use diesel and regular in your automobile, but you don't, because it will not work.

I have to agree. I know the equipment is pricey, however, their ads and advertising methods look like they are targeting the "all you can eat, lottery, casino boat" crowd. Maybe throw in some smokes if they order within the next 30 minutes :)
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