Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Your posts suggest you have a personal preoccupation with Oregonpapa. 
I think you are envious of him. He has everything you wish you had. he had a lucrative career and can afford to buy three power cords for $9000. How this must have hurt. Unlike you he has earned the love and respect of  99.99% of Audiogoners. 

You have lost the war. Synergistic Research has sold thousands of fuses to their happy customers. The game is over. I suspect your morbid ambition is to see the closure of this thread so that you can boast that you are the one who closed it down. Most happy customers no longer post on this thread. They see no further need to. Audiophile fuse are now one of the options that must now be taken into account by anyone building a system.

Are you suggesting that Oregonpapa  and this thread are part of a fraudulent conspiracy?  
^^^ nyame ...

Thanks for the kind words. They are very much appreciated. 

Wolf and his very small gang of audio-sadists have in the past accused me of being on the payroll of SR. Also a "shill" for SR.  What they neglect to mention is all of the other tweaks and improvements that I've reported on in this thread and in others here in various A'gon threads.  I report on what works for me, hoping to help others along the way. For anyone who has followed this thread from the beginning, they know that it also includes many music/recording suggestions. 

I'd like Wolfie to answer the question that if he thinks I'm on the payroll of SR, does he also think I'm on the payroll of AudioTechnica, Gaylord Legend speaker and IC cables, Audio Research and Herbie's tube dampeners? All of these products, in combination with the SR power cords, fuses and room treatments have improved my existing system immensely without upgrading to more expensive electronics up the ARC line.  

This thread has become much more than just a "fuse" thread, something the naysayers seem to miss. Lots of friendships have been formed and music shared. Why anyone would want to destroy that is beyond me. Folks like Wolfie remind me of baking a delicious looking cake ... but when the batter was being mixed, a pinch of sand was added. No matter how good the cake looks, the pinch of sand ruins it.  Wolfie and his little gang of acid throwers are the pinch of sand in the batter.

Wolfie ... how about giving us some music suggestions? What are you listening to? What's your favorite? Any ballad singers you particularly like? Who are some of your favorite jazz performers? How about classical? In other words, how about becoming a positive member of the group and get in on the fun instead of tearing at the seams of of the dreams and positiveness of others???? 

Nyname…my thoughts on SR fuses are pretty clear, so feel free to read my previous posts, and indeed, I clearly wish I was oregonpapa due to the sad little life I lead in quiet (or noisy at times) desperation. I mean really…that's simply obvious. However, I don't wish for the closure of this thread because that would deprive me of a regular  opportunity to continue my ranting against what I view as a silly overprice pseudo tweak. Why would anybody want that? I utilize plenty of tweaks that I find useful, use good cables, etc., so I'm not a complete luddite (or philistine…or something), but the promotion of a nonsensical, inexplicable, expensive and utterly useless fuse "upgrade" will garner my ire as long as this thread continues. If you're secure in your faith in SR fuses, you shouldn't mind my criticism, but the energy spent criticizing me could possibly be better utilized by simply answering my often asked question: What the heck do these fuses actually do to the electrons they encounter that less precious fuses don't? Sorry that this question is so upsetting, but hey…that's on you. Oregonpapa…you may not be an actual employee of SR, but it sure seemed like you could be, and my view on that has softened somewhat…I hope you find that comforting. My listening preferences are saved for other threads as this is my regular anti pseudo tweak exercise that I relish…and what shouldn't I? (note…that was a rhetorical question).

Making a multiple accounts here is a piece of cake. So we newer know who is a dealer, promoter or a satisfied customer. 

I`m actually also in your boat. I don`t buy that fuse + many other tweaks theory.
But again.... I have never tried the damn fuse, so I can`t comment or take sides here.
I believe in science and this fuse upgrade has nothing to do with it as far I know. Prove me if I`m wrong.
I believe that we can`t underestimate our psychology, conceived preconception and pre-biased expectations.
I also believe that if someone feels like the expensive fuse has bettered his system and he is happy..... Then I believe that the fuse is not so expensive at all...!