Looking to build a system for under $5k


I am brand new to audio and looking to put a system together for around/under $5k all in. Any recommendations?

This would be mainly for CD audio but expandable for phono in the future. I have a small bedroom that I am dedicating as a music room upstairs in a cape cod style home. So it has angled walls that follow the roof line.

Looking for components that offer the biggest bang for the buck. I've done some research over the last couple of months and it seems like the Vandersteen 1Ci might be a good cornerstone to design a system around.



Sorry to go off topic, but I am curious if anyone has actual experience with the Nuforce STA200 mentioned by gawdbless above.  If so, could you share your listening impressions, both good and bad.
You have to decide / listen for your self what kind of sound you want:

kef ls50 wireless (simple one box system) if you buy new
neumann kh120 + mytek brooklyn + sonore microrendu (simplicity, resale value)
magnepan mg12 + 2 crown xls 1500 mono blocks + Mytek Brooklyn Dac + sonore microrendu (for speed, coherence, resolution)
omega or tekton high efficiency speakers + coincident 34se + Mytek brooklyn + sonore microrendu (for immediacy, realism, imaging)

Room treatment and speaker positioning is essential (you won't get good performance with a BMW on sand or ice. You need a treated surface...)

solid core Cables are the best - they don't mess with timing. Dnm, VOVOX, clearday
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