Jumpers for Integrated Amps: What are you guys using?

Hi Folks,

I just recently picked up a Creek 5350SE integrated amp and I’ve started doing a little reading on the subject of pre-out/main-in jumpers. I’m looking for some recommendations for the 5350SE and wanted to ask what you guys use? Since essentially the jumpers separate the preamp and amp, should this be treated as physical separates and therefore, should I just use another pair of interconnects? I do have a 5 inch pair of Kimber PBJ’s on the way as I read these work well with the Creek. All you Creek owners out there... what are you using? Anything?

The same thread also recommended Kimber Silver Streak with the WBT connectors, but that will get more costly. I wonder if Kimber makes these custom? And, speaking of silver interconnects, I’m currently using DH Labs Q-10 speaker cable on my Vandersteens, and Air Matrix interconnects on my Naim CD3.5. Since DH Labs made my custom Naim DIN to RCA cables, I asked about pre/main jumpers. They shortest they can make them is 14-16 inches. Should I keep everything brand consistent at this length?

I’ve also read about how this one guy bought a 1/8 inch solid silver rod and made his own u-shaped jumpers (modeled after his factory u-jumpers) and the sound was incredible. Anyone ever try that?

Thanks... JSB
Sfall, I am confused, OP states his has pre out/ main in jumpers.  Are you saying the pre is passive? 
"Are you saying the pre is passive? "

Yes. They do make a card that will give you a line stage on 1 input, but one of the main reasons to buy the 5350 is for the passive.

From Stereophile:

"With Creek's latest flagship, the 5350SE, Mike Creek has finally achieved his design goal: a higher-powered, high-current integrated amplifier featuring a passive preamp stage, but that does not compromise linearity and gain."

sfall, mesch & kalali:

I don't understand. What does the preamp side being passive have to do with anything? 
I don't understand. What does the preamp side being passive have to do with anything?
The answer is nothing.  If you had a separate passive "preamp" it would still have to be connected to the amp.  No one here would make that connection with two solid pieces of bare wire as is commonly done on integrated amps like the Creek that have pre-outs.  There are some considerations when driving a long pair of interconnects from a passive pre (you can search the archives for this if interested but it doesn't apply in your case right now).  Since you have the Kimbers coming, there's no harm in trying it.  I doubt very seriously if it will sound worse.  Dick