Yes, all too often we (me too) try to tell folks what sounds better etc...when all they want is a simple all in one solution. Once they use that solution and it's easy, they enjoy music. Real music. I too am going through trying to become an IT guy to get the best sound quality and it's taking away from the fun. I keep waiting on that one component to come out that will be the be all end all. Roon core and a decent hard drive, ethernet that is isolated and have all the noise taken out of the signal chain. Yes, I want it all, but right now, that's not out there. Melco is the closest, but no Roon core and it won't have that. I may wait for the new Melco units to come out, get the Roon NUC from Roon once that comes out and call it a day.
Glad you love your VAult2