Regarding "best" standalone server. I too am looking for something with an integrated DAC, storage and ability to stream Tidal. I am thinking about ripping all my CDs (about 1000...sigh). I considered the Bluesound Vault. It certainly is inexpensive and appears easy to use...however I am concerned about sound quality. The only reason I would go to the trouble to rip my CDs would be for convenience AND sound quality. If my ripped CDs don't sound as good as they do on my CD player I doubt I will listen to them very much. I want a streamer/DAC that will sound AT LEAST as good as my CD player if not better. A product like the Aurender A10 looks appealing as a higher end alternative to the Bluesound.
I have a Sony 5400ES SACD player and a Meridian 805.24 CD player. I realize neither of these players are anywhere near state of the art so maybe it will not so difficult to equal or surpass there performance. My other option is to abandon the Music Server idea altogether and replace my two disc players with one high end player like the Esoteric and use it's DAC with an inexpensive streamer for online content. Any opinions? or alternatives?
I have a Sony 5400ES SACD player and a Meridian 805.24 CD player. I realize neither of these players are anywhere near state of the art so maybe it will not so difficult to equal or surpass there performance. My other option is to abandon the Music Server idea altogether and replace my two disc players with one high end player like the Esoteric and use it's DAC with an inexpensive streamer for online content. Any opinions? or alternatives?