Integrated Amps with Phono for $3000 or less (or separate phono and Integrated)

For years I have enjoyed a wonderful sounding Accuphase E 307 integrated Amp containing both an analog disc input board and a digital input board (DAC).With some much new equipment available I have decided to explore changing it. Was wondering if there were any suggestions out there worthy of considering. I have a modest room in size 17' x 20'. Other equipment include a Linn turntable with a Rega Exacta 2 cartridge, Marantz 5004 CD player, Kef Q500 speakers, Grado headphones, Ps Audio power cables, Kimber speaker cables and Interconnects. In my computer system music is stored on a separate hard drive in AIFF files and played back using Itunes airplay. Any suggestions.

Audio Refinement Complete int amp or one of the older ones from YBA and a Jasmine 2 box phono stage like the 2.5du or LP 2.0 mkII. I run this combo with audio refinement separates and love it. 
FWIW you have a pretty excellent amp already I suspect it's going to be tough to better it for under $3K with phono even used. What about your sound are you trying to change? Perhaps invest the money in a better outboard phono stage to pair with your Accuphase? Or go the same route with the Dac? It might make a lot more sense and give you a bigger improvement than just starting over.
Some pretty good recommendations already including Hegel, Parasound, and Rogue.  I'd also look at the Musial Fidelity M6si integrated.....$3K retail....I had it for two years and it is a really great amp for them money.  Has a built in phono stage etc....
Great suggestion. Will consider. Original inclination was to go back to tubes. Had a Vac 80/80 some years ago. Thanks

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