Are there any $1500 tube preamps that that can compare with Tubes4hifi's SP14?

Reviews on the Tubes4hifi's SP14 are consistently positive and so many people are blown away by them.  I haven't heard one but I want one. I want to upgrade and would like to know if there other ones that can hold up against the SP14 at the $1500 price point. 
Since Don Sachs won't brag himself up, I will. My SP-14 has gradually morphed (as time & funds have permitted) into a DS-1, and now we're getting ready to bring it up to his current line of DS-2s. Jupiter coupling caps, Dueland wire and film caps. The DS-1 was a step-level improvement over the original SP-14, which was a very sweet sounding pre-amp to begin with. Don's a delight to work with, too. He and Jim McShane have been restoring H-K Citation amps for years, so he knows a thing or two about great sound.
I believe that the Don Sachs and the Linear Tube Audio ZOTL preamplifiers would be a very interesting comparison. Both use the revered octal 6SN7  as opposed to the smaller 9 pin signal tubes.
As with Deepee, I have had the caps upgraded for a modest cost and the sonic improvement was exactly as Don portended.  His latest improvement is to employ the very fine Dueland wire for the internal wiring.  I have a a stock SP-14 in my bedroom system which is very good, but by comparison, Don's preamp profoundly better.  Don is now a devotee of the Shuguang CV181 tubes and I agree 100%....they are far better than any NOS tube out there other than a few of the Holy Grail of uber expensive tubes.  

Don upgraded my HK C-I, C-II, and C-V and they were outstanding.  However, his preamp is a much much better than the C-I and I am quite sure his new KT88-based amp will be much better than the C-II.  Google "Don Sachs Consulting" for a link to his website.  There may be better preamps available, but only if you are willing to spend dramatically more money.    

Hi , I have the Rogue RP-1. I spent $250 on 1 pair of Telefunken Tecktronix 12au7's after spending $130, on a pair and JAN RCA tripple mica blackplates and $100 on a Silnote cord . I haven't tried the phono stage , and the headphone stage is not tube driven and is a little lacking . So you pay $1600 for a nine pin setup and have to replace the $25 a pair JJ's. I'm cosidering Dons amp and a pair of Bob Latino 125's. But I think I'll be at about $2500 with upgrades with Bob.  Happy Listening . PS, I'm MID FI AND HAPPY 😊 

Another shout out for Don Sachs.

I have had the absolute enjoyment of his SP-14 Model 2 for about 6 months now.
Yes, as all have mentioned Don is a stand up guy to deal with. Even more important though is that he is a master at selecting just the right parts to make this great design really sing.

I am running the Bob Latino ST 120 amp which I love. That said Don's amp looks to be even more of the same has been on my mind.