You guys can go ahead and keep living in your fantasy worlds as concerns the history of this music; too bad. Now, to some of the more personal stuff; and, I bring this up only to point out how convoluted and disingenuous your chains of thought and reasoning tend to be. In order to illustrate what I am talking about lets look at some facts; all verifiable. Shall we?
For four years, and multiple times, Rok, you have quoted and/or linked to Wiki. You, O-10, not only did the same (and still do), but did so in a manner that often made it seem like you were the author of the comments. What your real intentions were don’t really concern me. I pointed out that when quoting Wiki it was appropriate to disclose this. After considerable indignation and sarcasm you stated that going forward you would disclose the source of your comments if they weren’t your own thoughts. Over the course of the same four years, NOT ONCE, did I quote or link to Wiki. Now, fast forward to the present:
I made TWO recent references to Wiki for the first time ever, and AS I POINTED OUT in one post, these were two (!) Wiki articles that I felt had merit. What happens? You guys, since you have little of substance to say on the core topic, attack me for the use of Wiki. Now, THAT makes a lot of sense, no? Given the aforementioned and the sheer amount of informed opinion that disputes your positions there can only be two possible reasons as to why you behave this way as far as I am concerned: it’s all a big put-on on your parts, or there is some kind of deficiency in the ability to reason and process information. Still waiting for thoughts on the clips of comments that I posted and most recent article (not Wiki, btw 😅)