DSD vs. PCM vs. MQA - Group listening experiment

Hi everyone,

So I just re-discovered the 2L website which has free samples of high resolution music.

I thought it would be worthwhile to ask the fans about the tracks here, specifically if there are any you feel are really good exemplars of why encoding scheme X is better or different than Y.

I just downloaded a bunch of Vivaldi and will share my own observations (and lack thereof) here.

As for me, file size matters so I'm going to try to stick to relatively similar file sizes when possible.


You can rip SACDs with Oppos and Cambridge audio players and Pioneer too. Go to computeraudiophile forum and see it explained in a big thread there!
Ok Everyone, got my "flack jacket" on....

I am really smitten by MQA, streamed from my Windows10 Tidal app.

I have enjoyed a PS Audio DirectStream DAC now for 2 1/2 years.  When Tidal started streaming MQA from Warner Music, I bought a Meridian Explorer2 DAC ($199 on Amazon) to see what all the fuss was.  I found some of the older titles sounded a little better, but some of the more recent ones knocked my socks and shoes off!

When I read that Universal Music signed up to do MQA, I purchased a Mytek Brooklyn (MQA) DAC, and now use it for MQA and the DirectStream DAC for everything else, as the DAC chipset in the Brooklyn is good, but no match for the DirectStream DAC with "regular" AIFF & FLAC files.

From what I've experienced, many of the titles I'm really familiar with seemed to have been "re-mixed", as well as re-mastered.  I listen to just about everything but country & rap (yes I tried, I did make it thru three songs on Jay-Z's "American Gangster" album!), and enjoy classical music and, unfortunately the MQA classics from Warner are not the best sound quality, one of Universal Music's labels is DG, so hopefully the future holds better sounding classical music on Tidal.

Many DAC manufacturers have held off jumping on the MQA bandwagon.  I presume that now with Warner, Universal & Tidal (about 2/3 of the music business) has signed up to do MQA, that either DAC manufacturers will adapt their hardware to do "end-to-end" MQA decoding, or that some DAC chipset company like ESS will add that to future chipset offerings.
No worries.

My only thing is, I think we’re hearing better re-mastering, not a better technology. << shrug >>

The one place I was able to directly compare MQA to non MQA tracks, 2L I heard no such dramatic differences.

However, recent MQA remasters at Tidal sound pretty good.

The question with MQA is it's staying power, not its technical excellence.  It has a very tall hill too climb to become relevant.  IMHO the only genre that really merits it is acoustic music, most of which is classical, and that genre is increasingly going to either hi bit rate PCM or 5.1 96Khz / 24 bit MCH (Blu-Ray). Many industry observers think it has already missed the window.  I also agree with Erik, in that whatever MQA brings to the party, it is still a secondary factor to the quality of the recording and the mastering itself.

BTW, I like SACD and DSD, but the absolute best digital I have heard is Reference Recordings DXD which is 352 kHz/24 bit PCM.  In addition, if your processor / DAC uses DSP's for room corrections or even digital reconstruction filtering, it will convert DSD to PCM before it converts it to analog.  This is a buyer beware issue "pure DSD" DAC's which use only analog low pass filters for reconstruction are rare birds.