DLP or LCD what do you think

I am looking at the Samsung hlr 46 inch dlp VS the sony sxdr 50 inch lcd what do think would be the better buy as in picture qualty and preformance. thanks for the help
The sony is not the same LCD technology as the samsung but a different technology similar to their Qualia flagship. I've seen them both. Both are very good. I believe the sony has better contrast. Your picture quality will most likely be more dependent on your source than which ever of these two sets you get. I personally like the sony and am waiting to get it at a more reasonable price (approx $2800-3000) than the $3600-4000 they go for at most authorized dealers.
As noted above, SXRD, is a different form of LCD. It is a reflective LCD vs. a transmissive LCD. Reflective LCD (Sony SXRD or LCOS, the term used by other manufacturers) respond much faster than transmissive LCDs so they do not have problems with blurred motion. Also, they do a much better job at blocking light so they have deeper blacks, better contrast, and less murky pictures in dark scenes.

The Sony sets have been hailed by a lot of reviewers as the best RPTV sets ever made.

I own the Qualia version of the Sony set. Aside from a few minor features, a bigger screen and more powerful bulb, I really don't think there is ANY advantage of the Qualia set over the regular Sony models. It really would have paid to wait since the Qualia costs $13,000.

Picture quality is quite good with the SXRD. My only real issue is what is termed false contouring (blotchy, course, transitions between different shades at low light levels), but I see this with all kinds of sets, so I think it is more of a problem with low bit rates of information from my crappy cable provider. It's just more noticeable on a really big screen (mine is 70") that is extremely detailed.
I would highly reccommend that you look into getting a front projection system instead of a TV. It will give you a fantastic hi-def image, allow you to have a picture that can be anywhere from 70" to 120' diagonal or more if you go extreme and cost less than the tv's you are considering. All from a unit weighing in at less than 12 pounds or so.
Sorry for not reading your post with my glasses! The sony SXDR is superior to all the DLP sets that I've seen and I've seen nearly all the major consumer models. Samsung has a new LCD (45 or 46" to my best recollection)in their Time Warner show room that is spectacular but far more expensive than the sony. New LCD technology with LED light sources and new phospors are around the corner at some very fancy prices. For now I'd go with the sony as it is their first consumer TV in a long time that brings them back as the technology leader they were in the past (IMHO).