Integrated vs Separates, New vs Used - Rogue Audio, Simaudio, McIntosh??? Input Needed!

Hey everybody - I'm getting back into Hi-Fi after a few years off (three kids will do that!). Prior to marriage (2007), I owned a McIntosh MA7000, Logitech Transporter, Focal 1027BE bookshelf speakers, and HSU VTF-3. Great system for my small bachelor pad. I'm a bass player (upright bass from 4th grade thru high school in chamber group and 5-string electric bass since college) and tend to favor setups on the warmer side of the spectrum. I listen to a wide range of music - Willie Nelson to Radiohead, Neil Young to DMB. The McIntosh with the Focals was a nice combination but after listening to higher end equipment, I'd like a little more soundstage, dynamics, etc with my new system.

OK, enough background. I'm struggling with integrated versus separates and new versus used. Here are some options that I worked through (in no particular order).

1. Simaudio Moon Neo 340i (New). This integrated sounded good at the dealer. I wasn't blown away but know that i could be happy with this amp. In order to spread out cost, my bigger picture plan would be to buy this amp and trade up within a year using SimAudio's "To the Moon" program to purchase the Simaudion 700i. A KILLER integrated.  Total cost over two years = $14K plus I'll need a buy phono (TBD) and DAC (Mytek Brooklyn?).

2. Parasound JC-1 Monoblocks (Used) and Rogue RP-7 Preamplifier (New). I liked the RP-5 coupled with the Simaudio 330a power amplifier at the dealer but think the combination could be improved with more gas in the amplifier department. The new RP-7 is a fully balanced tube pre and supposed to be even sweeter in the midrange department (vs the RP-5). Total cost = about $10K ($5K for the used monoblocks + $5K for the new pre). Like #1, I'll still need to purchase phono and DAC.

3. McIntosh MC275 (New) and Rogue RP-7 (New). Tube driven by tube! As a bass player could this be harmonic bliss? Total Cost = 10.5K. In the long run, I'd want to add an addition MC275 for 150 watts (16K total plus Mac cost increase). I'm fearful of cooking with all the tubes and a relatively small office, the high system cost, and I haven't heard this setup. 

4. Rogue M-180 Monoblocks (New) or Rogue Stereo 100 (New) and Rogue RP-7 (New). Same idea as above but with more juice and possibly a mono block configuration. Total Cost = 11K with mono blocks or $8.5K with Stereo 100. I have no experience with the Rogue amplifiers.

5. Sit tight for a (newer) used Simaudio Evolution separates. An 740P preamp and 860A power amp was just on Audiogon for about $13K (versus $24.5K new). My fears that once I enter the world of uber high-end, matching  interconnects, speakers, etc becomes mission critical. I'm not interested in this end of the Hi-Fi spectrum...just want to enjoy the music!

As for speakers, the set-up will be in my office driving KEF LS50's (total overkill I know). Once I'm confident the kids fingers wont be poking the drivers, I'll be looking at floor standing speakers (Focal Supra No 2, Sonus Faber Olympic III - both pretty....Golden Ear Triton?....decisions for the future).

I'd appreciate any insight and/or recommendations! All the options has my brain scrambled!!!
+1 gdnrbob! Speakers first as they will be the ultimately responsible for the final sonic outcome from your system - from all sources.

Kef LS50’s aren’t the only bookshelf speaker to be mounted high enough to keep little probing fingers away. Besides, that’s what grills are for - if you look at models that offer removable grills as most do.
gdnrbob gave great advice and I concur. I have owned the LS50's, IMHO great with acoustic music. Not as good with amplified music like blues which I like. Anyway, start with the speakers that appeal to your listening tastes then find the best partnering amplification. I prefer integrated amps for their simplicity and convenience. Models I have owned fairly recently and enjoyed, Rogue Sphinx, Yamaha A-S2100, Wyred4Sound STI500 (for sale). All have their own flavor but I will say McIntosh has always had my heart...

I'd also say speakers first and in that get something efficient 92db and up as this will open the door to a better selection of amps like  lower powered tube amps. Your should audition more tube integrated amps I think you may like the sound of tubes more being a musician. I played electric bass for years and I always seem to end up with tube gear in the end its more musical In my opinion (Or Class A SS done well like some of the Pass Labs, Luxman etc). living in Canada all the audio dealers are plastered with Moon and Mac stuff I've never been a fan I always found then detailed but boring, again my tastes.

something like ProAc speakers and a nice 45-60wpc tube int would be wonderfully musical and ProAc's have great base for the size. Of course that's one suggestion out of many.

+3 on @gdnrbob comments. For now, I would get a relatively inexpensive amp like a Peachtree or a used Hegel (both have decent built-in DACs) to power the KEF LS50 and once you’re confident that your child is not going to do anything harmful, sell everything and upgrade, starting with the speakers. Good luck!
Buy a pair of KEF LS50 wireless now and when you're ready take a look at the Devialet Expert line especially with Focals though they play spectacularly with anything you pair them with.  You'll get all the soundstage and dynamics you can wish for a so much more.  You'll save a fortune on cabling and have one elegant box that does everything.