The question is not yet complete, so we will likely not find the correct answer.
We are not finished defining the psychoacoustics of how the ear works - what the ear expects and needs to enable it to decode and identify a quality signal.
Engineering terms and weighting does not specifically or directly apply in perfection. That would be an assumption by those who use engineering terms, methods and weighting when measuring and comparing signal creation and reproduction methods.
However the generalization is strong.
That the ear does not use math, it uses a specific methodology in a physical realm.
Then we have the differences in each individual's physical aspects and their personal neural development and employment, as a genetic and upbringing scenario.
So we get to having different emphasis in desires and exceptions in those physical biological scenarios.
In that (the human biological package), the generalization is strong.
But both are not detailed specific related aspects, they are generalizations... and are laid on top of the scenario as if they are the perfected fundamentals of the question or equation.
Since the question obviously remains unanswered in a way clear enough for all involved, they are obviously not the specifics of a totally functional question.
We are not finished defining the psychoacoustics of how the ear works - what the ear expects and needs to enable it to decode and identify a quality signal.
Engineering terms and weighting does not specifically or directly apply in perfection. That would be an assumption by those who use engineering terms, methods and weighting when measuring and comparing signal creation and reproduction methods.
However the generalization is strong.
That the ear does not use math, it uses a specific methodology in a physical realm.
Then we have the differences in each individual's physical aspects and their personal neural development and employment, as a genetic and upbringing scenario.
So we get to having different emphasis in desires and exceptions in those physical biological scenarios.
In that (the human biological package), the generalization is strong.
But both are not detailed specific related aspects, they are generalizations... and are laid on top of the scenario as if they are the perfected fundamentals of the question or equation.
Since the question obviously remains unanswered in a way clear enough for all involved, they are obviously not the specifics of a totally functional question.