Industry wise, source wise, we’re looking at the takeover of the market by the one hit wonder.
A one hit wonder that will likely become a multimillionare overnight from said one hit.
The current leaderboard example of this coming trait, is in that most wired of countries, Korea. It is PSY, with ’Gangnam Style’.
Politics, business, and anything else you care to mention will move in the same direction. We’re seeing it happen now.
As the physical basis of memory and recollection in the masses is decreased to zero, their societal and cultural anchor points will be loosened and they can be changed (slowly) into whatever is of the will of the hands at the given controls.
Humanity will begin shifting fast in the next few decades. The question is into what. The physical mechanism of life in humans cannot change all that fast but the clothes of society and culture can change fairly quickly, in comparison. We now know, in recent work gone public (there is likely considerable work that may not be public) from multiple branches of medicine and similar areas (ie, genetics) that humans can change their genes fairly quickly and it is possible and in every person, that some minimum change in genetics can and does happen in the single lived life. Never mind that of passed on generational changes. So a careful manipulation of a society in a state of impermanence, ie a life in digital reflection, can and will inform genetics. It is our history that prevents this or slows it from occurring as quickly as it is truly capable of.
It’s like having the only copy of a program in active memory. If systems crash or mods and alterations fail or cause grief, there’s nothing left to recover. In such a scenario, the back-up is the physical reality of the physicality of the genotype in action. Which, at the given time, may not have a functional overlay in the thrust of the given society and culture.
This coming scenario, planned or not... will be taken advantage of by interested groups. Splits in humanity, or separations in to groupings that did not previously exist, may be the new norm. 500 years from now, we may have a new form of separation of genotypes that is so pronounced that it is easily recognizable and labelled. New science says it is not only possible and that minimal forms of it have always been happening, albeit in an atmosphere of noise so great that it levels out to moving toward a near zero. A micro upward trend, in some given direction. What we call evolution in an atmosphere of complexity.
The coming fluid or greased societies and cultures of a truly digital age, will allow for this phenomena to emerge in a more obvious fashion. The alpha-beta-delta-gamma nightmare, in it’s genesis point, possibly.
If those groups (of manipulators of scenarios) be nationalized, expect a nightmare of conflict, as the given manipulators, being humans, will make mistakes in their assessments of what they desire -and what they do.
Your records and CD’s going missing are only a small component of the signs of what is to come. They are a critical one, as they are about human desires and emotions, in the flow of life. Which are core components of human life. These sort of components (emotions and desires) are a core point in the how and why of those given genetic changes over time and in the given lifetime. It is most pronounced in the changes of the sperm of the male, at the time of fertilization. The male and it's life stresses and conditions prior to and in the production of sperm... are what enables these the most pronounced of these noted changes. That your stresses in life, at the moment of conception, informs your child's genetics. The past -70-100 years of conflict in the middle east serves as a potential example of how this works. There are other areas of the world that can show this effect, but the current one on most people's minds -who may be reading this- is of the Middle east. Baby boomers from war zones were actually the test bed that illustrated the genetic changes in sperm - as a reality.
So it becomes and audiophile (mostly male) scenario and question, to at least a small degree. Know what you are living through. Know what you are witnessing.
Music has always been that of living memory, so it is somewhat immune, in some ways, regarding manipulation. But digital overlays, a VR overlay of a sort, is a thing we are undergoing regarding this ’memory over time’ aspect of electronic music and the scenario surrounding it.
No answers here, just a logical expansion of the questions into their true space or envelope of connectivity in the overall human scenario.
A one hit wonder that will likely become a multimillionare overnight from said one hit.
The current leaderboard example of this coming trait, is in that most wired of countries, Korea. It is PSY, with ’Gangnam Style’.
Politics, business, and anything else you care to mention will move in the same direction. We’re seeing it happen now.
As the physical basis of memory and recollection in the masses is decreased to zero, their societal and cultural anchor points will be loosened and they can be changed (slowly) into whatever is of the will of the hands at the given controls.
Humanity will begin shifting fast in the next few decades. The question is into what. The physical mechanism of life in humans cannot change all that fast but the clothes of society and culture can change fairly quickly, in comparison. We now know, in recent work gone public (there is likely considerable work that may not be public) from multiple branches of medicine and similar areas (ie, genetics) that humans can change their genes fairly quickly and it is possible and in every person, that some minimum change in genetics can and does happen in the single lived life. Never mind that of passed on generational changes. So a careful manipulation of a society in a state of impermanence, ie a life in digital reflection, can and will inform genetics. It is our history that prevents this or slows it from occurring as quickly as it is truly capable of.
It’s like having the only copy of a program in active memory. If systems crash or mods and alterations fail or cause grief, there’s nothing left to recover. In such a scenario, the back-up is the physical reality of the physicality of the genotype in action. Which, at the given time, may not have a functional overlay in the thrust of the given society and culture.
This coming scenario, planned or not... will be taken advantage of by interested groups. Splits in humanity, or separations in to groupings that did not previously exist, may be the new norm. 500 years from now, we may have a new form of separation of genotypes that is so pronounced that it is easily recognizable and labelled. New science says it is not only possible and that minimal forms of it have always been happening, albeit in an atmosphere of noise so great that it levels out to moving toward a near zero. A micro upward trend, in some given direction. What we call evolution in an atmosphere of complexity.
The coming fluid or greased societies and cultures of a truly digital age, will allow for this phenomena to emerge in a more obvious fashion. The alpha-beta-delta-gamma nightmare, in it’s genesis point, possibly.
If those groups (of manipulators of scenarios) be nationalized, expect a nightmare of conflict, as the given manipulators, being humans, will make mistakes in their assessments of what they desire -and what they do.
Your records and CD’s going missing are only a small component of the signs of what is to come. They are a critical one, as they are about human desires and emotions, in the flow of life. Which are core components of human life. These sort of components (emotions and desires) are a core point in the how and why of those given genetic changes over time and in the given lifetime. It is most pronounced in the changes of the sperm of the male, at the time of fertilization. The male and it's life stresses and conditions prior to and in the production of sperm... are what enables these the most pronounced of these noted changes. That your stresses in life, at the moment of conception, informs your child's genetics. The past -70-100 years of conflict in the middle east serves as a potential example of how this works. There are other areas of the world that can show this effect, but the current one on most people's minds -who may be reading this- is of the Middle east. Baby boomers from war zones were actually the test bed that illustrated the genetic changes in sperm - as a reality.
So it becomes and audiophile (mostly male) scenario and question, to at least a small degree. Know what you are living through. Know what you are witnessing.
Music has always been that of living memory, so it is somewhat immune, in some ways, regarding manipulation. But digital overlays, a VR overlay of a sort, is a thing we are undergoing regarding this ’memory over time’ aspect of electronic music and the scenario surrounding it.
No answers here, just a logical expansion of the questions into their true space or envelope of connectivity in the overall human scenario.