Blu Ray over/under $

Sony announced the release of a blu ray DVD player for this summer along with some disc releases. What's your guess of how much it will cost upon intial release? How much would you pay to get one or would you get one at all?
Not sure but disapointed with over a buck apiece still for dual layer and in addition to HP's new internal label printer taking a frightfull 20 minutes they also run another buck apiece.Keep your buggy whip at hanmd because Blue-Ray and DVD HD (has advanbtage of backward compatibility) might kill each other off.Used to think the industry was STUPID for killing formats (bad one or good like CDD and mini disc) it isn't stupidity it's MONEY and GREED.Beta was always better than VHS but unforunately it's cash.Think of what Sony would have made off Beta but they need to find ways of open or super cheap licensing like JVC did (or was it Mitsubishi)?) verus Apple being happy to "Think Differnet" and live with 6% of computer market but I'M am not going to hold my breath on ANYTHING until it's here and relatively affordable.The lelctronics manufacturers would rather see us suffer than tan compromise on losing and getting zero percent of zerro.To answer your question based on 6 years of Hifi retail I'd say 3-5 years before a price will bottom out and become steady but I am probaly wrong in any case.But that's current pessimism.Now if we could knock a buck off gas and do that with our cars in 3 top 5 months but against stupidity will bring on a recession before then because well....Oh well this getting to political an some folsk are so touchy....
Sorry for nohelp
I would expect it to be around $750-1000 initially. They are going to try to recoup the cost of their reserach and development. Although I would like one, I don't plan on buying one initially. Prices will go down considerably and quality will increase after a year or so.