Integrated vs Separates, New vs Used - Rogue Audio, Simaudio, McIntosh??? Input Needed!

Hey everybody - I'm getting back into Hi-Fi after a few years off (three kids will do that!). Prior to marriage (2007), I owned a McIntosh MA7000, Logitech Transporter, Focal 1027BE bookshelf speakers, and HSU VTF-3. Great system for my small bachelor pad. I'm a bass player (upright bass from 4th grade thru high school in chamber group and 5-string electric bass since college) and tend to favor setups on the warmer side of the spectrum. I listen to a wide range of music - Willie Nelson to Radiohead, Neil Young to DMB. The McIntosh with the Focals was a nice combination but after listening to higher end equipment, I'd like a little more soundstage, dynamics, etc with my new system.

OK, enough background. I'm struggling with integrated versus separates and new versus used. Here are some options that I worked through (in no particular order).

1. Simaudio Moon Neo 340i (New). This integrated sounded good at the dealer. I wasn't blown away but know that i could be happy with this amp. In order to spread out cost, my bigger picture plan would be to buy this amp and trade up within a year using SimAudio's "To the Moon" program to purchase the Simaudion 700i. A KILLER integrated.  Total cost over two years = $14K plus I'll need a buy phono (TBD) and DAC (Mytek Brooklyn?).

2. Parasound JC-1 Monoblocks (Used) and Rogue RP-7 Preamplifier (New). I liked the RP-5 coupled with the Simaudio 330a power amplifier at the dealer but think the combination could be improved with more gas in the amplifier department. The new RP-7 is a fully balanced tube pre and supposed to be even sweeter in the midrange department (vs the RP-5). Total cost = about $10K ($5K for the used monoblocks + $5K for the new pre). Like #1, I'll still need to purchase phono and DAC.

3. McIntosh MC275 (New) and Rogue RP-7 (New). Tube driven by tube! As a bass player could this be harmonic bliss? Total Cost = 10.5K. In the long run, I'd want to add an addition MC275 for 150 watts (16K total plus Mac cost increase). I'm fearful of cooking with all the tubes and a relatively small office, the high system cost, and I haven't heard this setup. 

4. Rogue M-180 Monoblocks (New) or Rogue Stereo 100 (New) and Rogue RP-7 (New). Same idea as above but with more juice and possibly a mono block configuration. Total Cost = 11K with mono blocks or $8.5K with Stereo 100. I have no experience with the Rogue amplifiers.

5. Sit tight for a (newer) used Simaudio Evolution separates. An 740P preamp and 860A power amp was just on Audiogon for about $13K (versus $24.5K new). My fears that once I enter the world of uber high-end, matching  interconnects, speakers, etc becomes mission critical. I'm not interested in this end of the Hi-Fi spectrum...just want to enjoy the music!

As for speakers, the set-up will be in my office driving KEF LS50's (total overkill I know). Once I'm confident the kids fingers wont be poking the drivers, I'll be looking at floor standing speakers (Focal Supra No 2, Sonus Faber Olympic III - both pretty....Golden Ear Triton?....decisions for the future).

I'd appreciate any insight and/or recommendations! All the options has my brain scrambled!!!
Ken I use a KR audio va900 integrated and an Resonessence Mirus Pro DAC. Retails at about 15k but swear by it. I'm happy this combo!
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I am in a similar situation to OP. Looking to upgrade from a Rotel RX-1052 to drive my Canton Ergo 1002DCs. I had a Creek Classic 5350SE on loan. It took a long time to open up; but it is a significant step up from the Rotel. It might be awesome with 2-way bookshelfs, but I understand that is not at it's best with big 3-way full range towers. I brought the Creek to a local dealer to compare it with the Rogue Sphinx. Unfortunately the Sphinx was out on loan. For shits and giggles we tried the Belles Aria integrated that he had set up in the main listening room with a set of ProAc bookshelfs. I don't know the model, but they are not my cup of tea. Unlike the OP I love sparkle and these were pretty warm. Now I knew damn well that I could not spend the $1,900 for the Aria. Fixed income and all that geezer crap. 

Guess who picked up a dozen roses on the way home and is taking a part time job. Gotta have that Aria! After an in-home demo of course. I'll try to remember to keep y'all posted on that.