Hi, jafant. I think I paid around $450 for the Sony SCD-2000ES. It turned out to be an absolute steal. Not only does it hold 5 disks, it plays hybrid SACD's and has both TOSLINK and COAX outputs for playing CD's on an external DAC. In terms of SQ, it gives my Cambridge a run for the money, of course, the Cambridge is better (except for SACD where the Sony edges out the Cambridge). Using it as a transport connected to my cambridge for playing CD's it does the job, but the Cambridge sounded better playing CD's with it's own transport. I think after reading all of these posts, and the fact that most of my listening now is through TIDAL, I'm going to save my $ and time and Use the Cambridge as a DAC. If and when the Cambridge dies, or when I can afford an upgrade, I'll replace it at that time.