Node 2 and Yamaha AVR, go digital or analog?

I just picked up a Bluesound Node 2 and am wondering if I should connect it to my AVR via digital or analog? I’m looking for some opinions/advice before I try both. Here is what I have:
-Yamaha 1060 AVR w/ESS ES9006A 24-bit DAC (used as a preamp w/some HT ability)
-Bluesound Node 2 w/32-Bit, 192kHz DAC

My cable options:
-Kimber Silver Sonic for analog
-Kimber D-60 for digital

On paper, it looks like the Yamaha has the better DAC. My system is modest so I’m wondering if I’m splitting hairs here and should just go with the one coaxial cable convenience? My mains, KEF Reference Model 2s, are driven by a Parasound A23 Halo (bi-wired w/DH Labs T-14 Silver Sonic).

Thanks for any input.
+1 Jond.
If you do, I would be interested in what you find. The Node 2 is supposed to have a decent DAC (for the money).
Thanks for the replies. I'm no DAC expert but the Yamaha's DAC looks better on paper. I guess I'll just have to play around with it.
I am quite sure when you try it both ways you will find very little difference if any.  Please report back on the results.
I recently purchased the Node 2 and it has outperformed my Schiit Bifrost with the 4490 upgrade driven by the Musical Fidelity v-link192.

Using wi-fi, I did experience a couple of dropouts playing 24/192 when the wireless router was busy. I have now connected the Node-2 via Ethernet - No issues experienced with the Ethernet

I can report that the Node-2 responds very well when connected using good IC's and power cables - but then the Bifrost did also.

The Node-2 has better clarity, imaging and faster dynamics than the Bifrost. Tonally, they are pretty much the same

I also have the Powernode 2 on my A/V system and it too is a top performer - surprisingly powerful little amp - it's driving a pair of the older  Tannoy Mecury F4's (with the front firing bass port) with ease

Regards, Steve 
Thanks Steve and everyone else for your input,

I’ll give both a try. I’m hoping the D-60 sounds better as it’s longer than the Silver Sonic cables and would work best where the Node 2 is going. I'm trying to use what I already have in my cable I’m also considering a power cord upgrade for my Node 2. I was going to swap my stock cord out with a Pangea AC 14SE MKII. It’s only $45 but I want to make sure I don’t do the opposite and hurt/muddy my sound any.