Amateur inherited an audio system...

Recently I've inherited an audio system. I have no idea of what they are, I have never heard any of the brand names before, but upon checking on the internet I've found out they are somewhat high quality units. It consisted of Meridian 506 CD Player, Forte Forty-Four Pre-amp, Forte Fifty-Five Amp, Velodyne Sub and a pair of Rogers LS3/5A speakers. Some friend suggested I check out, but as far as I can see most of the stuff are WAY over my head. Now that I found out about their value, my girlfriend is pressuring me to sell it, my question is.. Should I keep the system or sell it? It sounds very nice but my girlfriend keeps saying I don't need anything this fancy. Also, if I am going to sell it, is it better selling it as a system or piece-by-piece? Is eBay good for something like this? Any idea will be appreciated. Sorry for being so shallow, I really don't know much about high end audio... Thank you very much in advance.
I agree with Unsound. You should keep the system for a bit and see if hi-fi audio is something you would get into. If not you will lose little or no money in depreciation 6 motnhs down the road. I don't know how serious you and your girlfriend are but if I had a girlfriend pressuring me to sell something I inheirited, from a loved one, I would simple tell her, NO! The equipment you inheirited is quite nice. Give a try! If you do decide to sell it, you will more than likely have to break it up. Ebay is not the place to sell the equipment you have. Sell it here on the Gon.

Good luck.
What you have there is very nice and would take quite a bit of money to replace, quality of sound-wise. If you like to listen to music, then you have just gotten a very nice high-fidelity system for free. That doesn't happen very often.

Now this is just my opinion, and not audio related, but a wife suggesting something like this be sold is one thing, but having a girlfriend do so is way out of line. You may be better served by the audio system than the girlfriend. Just my opinion.
With regard to your would be more accurate to state "she doesn't need anything this fancy"...what you need or don't need is really your call.

With regard to you....I've always found that in giving and receiving gifts it's always nice to target items that the person receiving the gift would never consider obtaining on their own, whether they could afford it or not. In your case I'm guessing you'd never be assembling a system like this in the for-seeable future, but that doesn't mean you couldn't get alot of enjoyment out of it. Who knows, you might get hooked just like many others do. You can learn how to put it all together or locate someone locally to give you a primer on how to set it up & use it. Maybe someone on A-gon can give you a hand or go to a high end audio dealer and ask one of the people working there if they'd help you after hours for a couple bucks...I'm guessing someone will.

I'd only sell it if you have zero interest in music and need the money. And yes ebay moves alot of equipment as does A-gon. I would guess piecemeal would be better as few people buying such a rig would probably choose all the pieces you have. Systems are pretty individual depending on what the person is looking for & likes ot hear.
If your so inclined,tell us what city you are in,and maybe an a,gon member can come over and set up this nice system for you ,or at least do a little research on speaker positioning ,if youd like to get the best sound from your system,this would be a fairly simple way to get good results!As youve probably noticed,we love this stuff,so feel free to ask any questions!!Or you can search the archives.We can also offer advice on girlfriends,,,,,,but cannot be held responsible for results concerning this////